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AOPA New Membership

Please complete the form below to apply and pay for your chosen membership. Thank you for Joining AOPA UK.

This is the application form for new 2 Year Pilot or Instructor membership paid by Bank Transfer.

2 Year membership is £250 paid by Bank Transfer (All transfers must be in £GBP)

On submission of this form you will be emailed bank transfer payment details.

* Required Entry

Your membership includes:

Personal advice and support for aviation related issues

AOPA Magazine PDF version online

AOPA printed magazine posted to UK and EU postal addresses

Email newsletters and regulatory updates

Full access to website member areas and information

Free website classified adverts


£35 discount on FI/CRI Refresher Course

£50 discount on Instructor Liability Insurance

Free personal Instructor/Examiner website classified adverts

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Other than at the discretion of AOPA UK, as a new member you will not be entitled to help or support for an aviation related prosecution or investigation for the first 6 months of your membership. Nor will you be entitled to help or support if it becomes apparent that the prosecution or investigation was as a result of an incident prior to joining.

You may complete the application but AOPA are under no obligation to accept your application until we have considered your situation.

It is therefore suggested that you contact us now to discuss this before applying. Email membership@aopa.co.uk or Tel: 020 7834 5631.

If you have discussed this with us please say so below and also provide brief details again for our records.

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If you live outside the Countries listed you will only be able to view the AOPA Magazine online at www.aopa.co.uk and with a member level user account.

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AOPA UK use your Email address as our primary and preferred means of contacting you in respect of managing your membership.

As part of your membership we also keep you informed, including informing you of any important changes that could affect your flying. We do this through this website and the bi-monthly AOPA Magazine.

Additionally we may use your email address member number and name as a means for an offer provider to verify your entitlement should you make use use of a member offer requiring verification of membership.

We also publish an Enewsletter to our members email addresses, these are normally published in between Magazine issues though we will issue additional newsletters if we believe there is value. You can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time.

We will not share this information other than above without your permission.

Please confirm that you understand this use of your information.

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Introduced by a current AOPA UK Pilot or Instructor member?

If this is the first time that you have applied for AOPA UK membership and were introduced to AOPA UK by a current AOPA UK Pilot or Instructor member let us know and they will receive £50 from AOPA as a thank you for their introduction if they are a current AOPA UK member. Enter their details below and we will make the payment when your membership is confirmed. NOTE: This offer cannot be used with any other discounted membership offer.

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General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC)

AOPA supports the work of GAAC, alongside other aviation associations, through funding and donations made through AOPA. The GAAC represents General Aviation on planning and environmental issues, especially in respect of airfields. GAAC is not a membership association but functions through the supporting associations. For more informatiomn about the GAAC see their website here.

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General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo)

The General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo) was founded in 1964 to provide a forum in which all of the General Aviation organisations could meet to share safety information. AOPA supports GASCo, along with other associations, through funding and donations made through AOPA.  You can find out more about GASCo from their website here.

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Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)

If you believe that AOPA has helped you above and beyond your expectations, or you think your membership is worth more than the subscription, make a voluntary donation to show your appreciation.

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By submitting this application for membership I confirm that I desire to become a member of AOPA (a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital) and request and authorise my name to be entered as a Member in the Register of Members of AOPA, and I undertake to contribute to the assets of AOPA in the event of its being wound up while I am a Member or within one year after I cease to be a Member for payment of debts and liabilities of AOPA contracted before I ceased to be a Member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding the sum of One Pound.

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